Description of the files used to store ExoMars TGO NOMAD data. 
Document change record
Issue/ revision Issue/ revision date Reason for change Fields added Fields modified
0/0   Document creation All N/A
0/7 25/11/2015 Addition of document change record. Various confusing field names changed and addition of a new field LSubS (areocentric longitude) SSLat becomes SubSatLat
SSLon becomes SubSatLon
LSubS becomes SubSolLon
LatSubS becomes SubSolLat
0/8 26/11/2015 Addition of geometry diagram.  N/A N/A
0/9 03/12/2015 Added Extra UVIS Params in Channel S3. Updated various descriptions. Lon/lat changed. CornerLatitude Lat becomes CentreLat
Added quality flag table and descriptions of additional housekeeping and UVIS extra parameters fields CornerLongitude Lon becomes CentreLon
0/11 31/12/2015 Checking the file format wrt ASIMUT   Added the size of the matrices
0/12 07/01/2016 Checking the file format wrt ASIMUT   Moved NBin, Xtype, YType, XUnits, YUnits  from ‘DataSets’ to ‘Attributes’
0/17 09/02/2016 Made lots of changes to Geometry (added point groups) and Science fields. Quality flags slightly modified Point groups (geometry), SpectralCoefficients (Science), Cosmic Ray Disturbance quality flag Deleted XNb and XTypeFlag
0/18 16/02/2016 Various addtions, changes to match compability with PSA and Asimut Mission Phase, Diffraction Order All names modified to remove underscores
0/19 07/03/2016 Various addtions, changes to match compability with PSA and Asimut ReliefAlt, SpectralResolution, SpectralResolutionFlag, AOTFTuningFunction, AOTFWavenumberCoefficients, WavenumberAOTFCoefficients, GeometryPoints TangentAlt, Geometry, AOTF, LST, Target
0/22 15/03/2016 Various addtions, changes to match compability with PSA and Asimut    
0/27 12/04/2018 Add Goddard spectral calibration results OrderAOTFCoefficients, AOTFOrderCoefficients,  AOTFBandwidth+Flag, BlazeFunction+Flag
General File Structure
Each HDF5 file contains attributes that provide an overview of the file and measurement made. Each is composed of a single value, vector or string
Each HDF5 file contains many datasets
Each dataset can contain a single field or a set of fields. For datasets with multiple fields, there is typically one dataset listing the field names, one for the units, and one for the data itself
Data Types: (possibly not yet implemented consistently throughout)
[L] = Longword integer: 32-bit (4 bytes) signed integer;
[D] = Double-precision floating: 64-bit (8 bytes), double-precision, floating-point number;
[F] = Floating-point: 32-bit (4 bytes), single-precision, floating-point number.
When a parameter is not known or not relevant, use:
·         "-999" if the parameter is of type integer
·         "-999.0" if the parameter is of type float
·         "N/A" if the parameter is of type string
File Names:
For calibration, HDF5 calibration filenames are of the form:
E.g. 20150402_133845_LNO_1.h5
For ground operations, HDF5 calibration filenames are copied from the PSA tab or EDDS raw file that the data was extracted from.
Emission Angle
Measured from the center of the image, this is the angle between the instrument LOS and a "normal" drawn perpendicular to the planet's surface. When the instrument is looking straight down ("nadir"), the emission angle is 0°.
Phase Angle
This is the angle between the sun, the surface, and the HiRISE camera at the time the picture was obtained.
Solar Incidence Angle
Derived for the center of the image, this is the angle between the Sun and a "normal" drawn perpendicular to the planet's surface at the time the observation was acquired. A higher incidence angle means that a person standing on the ground would see the sun lower toward the horizon.
Difference between Solar Zenith Angle and Solar Incidence Angle:
Where   b is the angle of inclination of the surface from the horizontal
Incidence Angle = Solar Zenith Angle only if surface is flat ( b = 0)
Solar Longitude (Mars)
Commonly referred to as Ls (pronounced "L sub S"), this is the position of Mars relative to the Sun measured in degrees from the vernal equinox (start of northern Spring). This number is used as a measure of Martian seasons: Northern Spring/Southern Autumn start at 0°, Northern Summer/Southern Winter start at 90°, Northern Autumn/Southern Spring start at 180°, and Northern Winter/Southern Summer begin at 270°.